Thursday, 8 December 2011

Fuel Cell Drive Technology

Recommended Hydrogen Fuelling Stations for the Mercedes-Benz B-Class F-Cell
The Hydrogen infrastructure networks (fuelling stations) are currently under development worldwide. Not all publicly available hydrogen (H2) stations can be recommended for refuelling the Mercedes-Benz B-Class F-CELL. The following fueling stations have been checked by Daimler AG and can be used for refuelling.
Today's automobiles operate in a field of tension in which constantly higher, more diversified, and partly contradictory requirements are placed on their technology. Customers demand safe, comfortable, high-performance vehicles, which at the same time are to be economical and environment-friendly. Fuel cells generate electricity in a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, which yields only pure water vapor.

Mercedes-Benz Concept BlueZERO
Mercedes-Benz B-Class F-CELL
Mercedes-Benz Citaro fuel cell buses: The fuel cell system and the compressed-gas bottles are located on the roof of the vehicle. This is also where the electricity used to power the 200 kW electric motor is generated from the hydrogen
The Mercedes-Benz B-Class F-CELL is being refueled with hydrogen. The fueling nozzle is comparable with a conventional one. Essentially, the refueling process will be the same as it is today – clean, simple, quick and safe
Mercedes-Benz Citaro FuelCELL-Hybrid

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